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preschool in denton
preschool in denton
preschools in denton
preschool in denton
preschool in denton
preschool in denton
preschool in denton
preschool in denton
preschools in denton


"We have been blessed to have our children attend Springbok from infancy through Pre-K.  Springbok has prepared them academically and socially for their elementary school years.  The staff have become more like family to us.  We are so thankful for how well they have cared for our children."


               -Nicki Passons

           DFPS-Regional Negotiator

preschool in denton
preschools in denton
preschools in denton
preschool in denton

Serving the Denton community by providing quality care for infants through Kindergarten and their families since 1996.

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

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preschool in denton
preschool in denton
preschools in denton
preschool in denton

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

preschools in denton

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare


Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

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Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

preschools in denton
Healthy Menus
Experienced Teachers
Low Classroom Ratios

Springbok provides breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack, exceeding the USDA standards for food programs. Our chef avoids foods that are processed, frozen, or have unhealthy additives. Our meals offer tastes, textures, and colors that entice children to eat a wider variety of foods. The chef practices “stealth vegetable,” (the practice of sneaking unseen vegetables into other foods). 



Teaching children during the pre-school years is an exciting and challenging experience. We offer in-house teacher enrichment as well as providing each teacher the opportunity to get his/her State mandated yearly training hours and more. We strive for staff members who are themselves excited about learning and sharing what they know with beginning learners.



Springbok maintains State-mandated teacher/student ratios in all classes while striving to keep our ratios lower than those mandated. We believe that the more one-on-one learning that can take place, the more the child benefits. 


preschool in denton
preschools in denton
preschool in denton

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

Engaging Activities
Enrichment Classes

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

preschool in denton

All classes have daily activities in reading, science, math, language and literacy, as well as exposure to other cultures in age-appropriate ways.  All students do art and have other hands-on learning experiences such as simple science experiments, counting and number work with manipulatives, and role-playing activities.  Free play, group play and cooperative play activities are experienced each day. 



Springbok provides some enrichment programs as part of the basic tuition.  Students, beginning with the Two’s, participate in a weekly Yoga/Movement class.

Our Preschoolers and up receive a weekly art session.  This focuses on building fine motor skills, exploring a variety of art mediums, learning about the elements of art and discovering new art techniques.


Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

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preschools in denton
preschools in denton
Business Hours
Monday                  7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday                  7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday            7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday                7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday                      7:00 am - 6:00 pm 
Payments By
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1300 Fulton Street, Suite 502
Denton, Texas 76201
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preschool daycare childcare learning academic Denton

preschool daycare childcare learning academic Denton

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preschool daycare childcare learning academic Denton

Preschool Pre-K Pre school daycare Preschool Pre-K daycare day care pre school Pre-K childcare

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